
Working Papers

The Greener, the Higher: Labor Demand of Automotive Firms during the Green Transformation

(with Thomas Facker, Oliver Falck, Fabian Hans and Annina Hering)

CESifo Working Paper

Bit by Bit: Colocation and the Death of Distance in Software Developer Networks

Latest draft ifo Working Paper CRC Discussion Paper

Career Concerns as Public Good: The Role of Signaling for Open Source Software Development

(with Lena Abou El-Komboz)

Latest draft ifo Working Paper CRC Discussion Paper

Virtually Borderless? Cultural Proximity and International Collaboration of Developers

(with Lena Abou El-Komboz)

Latest draft ifo Working Paper

Digital Infrastructure and Local Economic Growth: Early Internet in Sub-Saharan Africa

(with Valentin Lindlacher)

Latest draft


Policy Briefs

The Greener, the Higher: Labor Demand of Firms in the Transition to E-Mobility

ifo Schnelldienst 77(6), 2024

(with Thomas Facker, Oliver Falck, Fabian Hans and Annina Hering)

Read more [German]

Did Mobile Internet Infrastructure Close the Regional Connectivity Gap in Germany?

bidt Blog, 2022

(with Anika Lange, Valentin Lindlacher and Svenja Schwarz)

Read more [German]

Dead Spot Germany? The Expansion of Mobile Data Networks over the Past 10 Years

ifo Schnelldienst 74(11), 2021

(with Valentin Lindlacher and Svenja Schwarz)

Read more [German]

The Chinese Belt-and-Road Initiative: Can Germany's International Trade Benefit?

Ökonomenstimme-Blog, 2020

(with Alexander-Nikolai Sandkamp)

Read more [German]

Hostile Takeover? China's Foreign Direct Investment under the Magnifying Glass

ifo Schnelldienst 72 (08), 2019

(with Gabriel Felbermayr and Alexander-Nikolai Sandkamp)

Read more [German]

China's Foreign Direct Investment: An Overview

Kiel Policy Brief 123, 2019

(with Gabriel Felbermayr and Alexander-Nikolai Sandkamp)

Read more [German]


The Green Transformation of the German Automotive Industry: Evidence from Patent Applications

ifo Study, December 2023

(with Oliver Falck and Tim Lixfeld)

Read more [German]

The New Silk Road: Growth Regions between Europe and Asia

Impulses for Economic Policy: Megatrends in International Trade, 2019. Study financed by Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BIHK)

(with Frank Bickenbach, Gabriel Felbermayr, Wan-Hsin Liu, and Alexander-Nikolai Sandkamp)

Read more [German]

Monographs and Book Chapters

Essays in the Economics of Digital Transformation

Dissertation, Department of Economics, LMU Munich, 2024

ifo Beitrag zur Wirtschaftsforschung 106, 2024

LMU Library ifo Beitrag

The Rise of Non-tariff Measures and Consequences for Global Trade

Focus International Trade 2017/2018: Protecionism: Causes, Appearance, Economic Effects

(with Erdal Yalcin)

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Litigation Consulting

Trucks cartel damage estimation

Court-commissioned expert reports

Status: ongoing

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Wearables trade secret misappropriation damage estimation


Status: completed

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Drugstore goods information exchange damage estimation

Court-commissioned expert report

Status: ongoing

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Railway tracks cartel damage estimation

Court-commissioned expert report

Status: ongoing

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Policy Consulting

The World Trade Organization at 25

Bertelsmann Stiftung

Status: completed

(RA for Erdal Yalcin)

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Trade Effects of China's Belt-and-Road Initiative

Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BIHK)

Status: completed

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